This associate program basically enables you to realize income from each legitimate purchase transaction made from your business or non-business channels. Clients who buy from us through you will earn you a significant commission from the total purchase. We will give you the instruments and substance necessary to drive visitors and deals to our site. We have unique links that you can use to drive traffic so all exchanges and activities can be monitored.
- Utilize the content and instruments that we offer you to drive traffic, and eventually, sales to us.
- Once a legitimate purchase is made through your valid channel/channels, you will get a commission in view of the specific total purchase.
- We believe in level based commission, which means the more sales you make, the more money you make!
Our level commission rates are very appealing. Some affiliates may receive specific commissions (incentive commission/super cashback affiliates, and so forth.)
- All business deals must have the status: "shipped" and there must not be a dispute (replacement or refund request) petitioned against you in 49 days. The total commission amount is paid on the fifteenth of each calendar month. All completed orders take into account referrals from the first to the last day in the past calendar month.
- If any dispute was filed in respect to an order in the past calendar month for which commission payment has already been made, a deduction will be made which will be indicated in the checkout amount for the forthcoming calendar month.
Support Center
If you have any queries regarding affiliate program, please don't hesitate to contact our associate administrator via info@basstrike.com. We will hit you up within 3 working days.