The Basic Ice Fishing Gear for Beginners

The Basic Ice Fishing Gear for Beginners

Winter will coming soon, ice fishing is a fantastic way to spend your leisure time outdoors with your family or friends. For beginners, may have some questions about what ice fishing gear is essential? Will it take too much budget? Get the answers from here, you’ll know what ice fishing equipment your need without spent too much money. As a beginner to ice fishing shouldn’t need to be expensive and there are no rules about they best tackle to use. Just have fun and keep safe.

Ice Auger

First you need an ice auger to drill holes on the ice. An electric or gas power auger is much expensive, we can get started with a simple hand auger. Strikemaster is a great auger best price and good quality. Nils ice auger it's kind of pricey, it depends on your budget. When you choose an ice auger, an important factor to consider is the size of the blade, which really depends on the species you’re targeting. If you’re targeting big species you’ll need a bigger hole and for that you’ll need a bigger auger. Likewise, if you’re only targeting pan fish use a smaller auger.


To choose the tip-ups, it is always based on the elements specific to you. The materials can be made from plastic, metal, or wood. The types can be classic or stick tip ups, rounded base tip ups, wind tip ups or rectangular base tip ups. You can choose it from Basspro, it offers in different types and price.

Ice Fishing Rod, Reel

Ice fishing rods are best when they are short (as there is no casting required) typically 3 to 4 feet in length and sensitive. For the reels, you may think the materials, ball bearings, gear ratio, weight. But I recommend just choose a small ice­fishing rod and reel combo kit that is available at most fishing tackle shops or hardware stores with a tackle section. You may check below rod and reel combos.

Ice Fishing Lures

Somebody may use live bait, but I recommend the artificial lures, because it is easy to take and can be in different shapes. What you buy will be determined by the species of fish available in the lake you are fishing. There are usually 4 kinds of ice fish lures to choose.

    Ice jig minnows

    Tungsten Ice Worm Jigs

    Mini spoons

    Small crankbaits


    Usually, a small jig head and minnow combination works for just about anything. When the lake ices over it's easier to pickup walleye.

    Notice, the important thing is to keep worm and safe when ice fishing, do not go ice fishing only with yourself. Hope you will get wonderful ice fishing winter.

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